Structure and Threading

The S&T Strategic Plan is organized around 8 Strategic Focus Areas (SFA) aligning with general desired outcomes of growth or excellence. In the context of Logical Modeling, each strategic focus area is further defined by logical strategic groupings that occur by functional or distinct needs in organizing effort and/or operational focus. The first two levels encompass the strategic aspects of the plan and provide first-level details of targets, accountable persons (AP), and timelines for measurement and tracking. The execution of the plan is defined within strategy groups as they are defined in terms of actionable tactics to operationalize the strategy into what will be accomplished to meet the goals of the strategic group and ultimately contribute to the success of the strategic focus area. Below the tactic level are the individual actions and activity sequences required to implement the tactic.


  • Strategic Focus Area
    • Organizing conceptual focus
    • General desired outcome, primarily narrative-oriented
    • Singular Accountable Person
  • Strategy Group(s)
    • Focused framing of SFA to narrow accountability and group effort and tactics
    • Specific goal/outcome
    • Long-range due date (likely last measure available before the end of plan cycle)
    • Singular Accountable Person


  • Tactic(s)
    • SMART-oriented
    • Narrow due dates and may be bound by order of execution or recurrence
    • While most likely involving teams, there is a singular Responsible person
  • Action(s)
    • Concise activity statement (impactful activities to be completed to achieve the tactic)
    • Time bounding to when the activity will be completed
    • Data relation with metric and KPI/target defined. (real-time or manual updates)
    • While most likely involving teams, there is a singular Responsible person


As described in the preceding paragraphs, the plan strongly focuses on logical structures and a hierarchical relationship among the four levels of strategy and execution. Embedded within this concept is that a singular accountable or responsible person can identify each item within a level. A person identified within the plan as an owner of an item has a clear relationship with other owners up or down the logical structure. This comprises accountability threads within the strategic plan, as illustrated in the figure below. This threaded hierarchy also involves a snowball-like approach to identifying stakeholders and strategy and execution needs, in that each level determines the next level of stakeholders that should be involved with the discussion and also within the level to identify others that should be included, until saturation of strategy is determined by the accountable person at the next higher level. Through this process, the strategic planning directly involved over 65 individuals through dozens of focus area meetings and over 280 individuals in group information sessions, with 236 respondents contributing input via a survey to campus faculty and staff. As a living document at the tactic and action levels, it is expected that additional stakeholders will be identified over the coming years, and new ideas and possibilities will become embedded in the plan.

[Icon of a Compass] Strategy Strategy Accountable Person 1. Identify high-level groupings of strategic importance and coordinate with facutly liason. 2. Work with stakeholders to formalize groupings and assign grouping accountable person. (Review, Approve, & Monitor) Strategic Group Accountable Person 1. Identify relevant tactics to achieve focus and goal of strategic group. 2. Work with stakeholders to formalize tactics and assign tactic responsible person (who will put it into action?) 3. If the tactic is more than one person responsible, it is too broad. (Review, Approve, & Monitor) [Icon of a navigation map] Execution Tactic Responsible Person 1. Gather an execution team to think through the actions. 2. Identify concise actions needed to address tactic, within the strategic group focus. 3. Work with team to formalize actions and assign action responsible person (who will oversee the activity?). (Review, Approve, & Monitor) Action Responsible Person 1. Conduct and coordinate actions identified as contributing to tactic and monitor outcomes. 2. Work with execution team to identify issues and elevate for resolution. [Illustration of action responsible person working collaboratively with a team of people.]

A thread is the hierarchical line of accountable and responsible persons across a strategy to action. For example, an action will thread above the action level involving a Strategic Focus Area Accountable Person, a Strategic Group Accountable Person, and a Tactic Responsible Person in addition to the Action Responsible Person. This thread can be viewed as the governance and authority in relation to the activity. All thread members should be aware of the status and dependencies related to the thread. A person’s role within the threads clearly defines expectations of ownership in the plan.

An Accountable Person (or position) is accountable for the success and definition of the identified strategy area. The accountable person may or may not be directly involved in the effort to achieve the stated goals; however, they are accountable that the work or effort is completed to achieve the goal.

The Faculty Liaison is a vital link between the faculty, the Accountable Person, and the SFA broadly, in the crucial role of communicating faculty concerns, providing a strong voice in matters where faculty are primarily responsible, and offering valuable perspectives on matters that impact faculty. Acting as representatives, Liaisons are identified as Faculty Senate officers or chairs of SFA-aligned sub-committees, ensuring a seamless flow of strategic information and updates to faculty members. This fosters a spirit of shared governance, facilitating communication and dialog between the Liaison and the SFA Accountable Person, or through appropriate channels within the faculty governance structure.

A Responsible Person (or position) ensures timely and appropriate execution to address the tactic or action necessary to achieve the strategic goal. The responsible person will most likely be directly involved with the effort to achieve the goal and oversight of teams working toward actions.

Teams are groups of stakeholders brought together to achieve an action or groups of highly related actions. Teams are in support of the responsible person and the required actions.