Redefining student success to align with the holistic needs of today’s students and how they interact on campus.
Today’s students have diverse learning styles and see success as more than completing a degree. We are designing a campus-wide structure that supports their holistic needs and drives collective impact for well-being and success.
Well-being and belonging are crucial for student success. They affect retention, academic achievement, engagement, and readiness for the world. Improving one area, such as students’ sense of belonging, can positively affect their overall well-being and academic success. It is crucial that the entire campus community contribute to this focus area for collective impact.
Strategy Groups to Boost Student Well-being and Success
Strategy Group 1: Embed well-being into all facets of campus culture and across organizational boundaries
Strategy Group Accountable Person: Vice Chancellor for Student Success
- Tactic 1: Merge the Divisions of Student Affairs and Undergraduate Education to overcome institutional/organizational barriers to student success and flourishing.
- Tactic 2: Educate S&T community about Collective Impact methodology and apply it to all student well-being initiatives.
- Tactic 3: Identify, address, and communicate barriers to student success and flourishing.
- Tactic 4: Enhance initiatives that promote accessibility in and outside the classroom through collaboration with faculty.
- Tactic 5: Implement JED (Jed Foundation) Health and Well-being Committee strategic initiatives to improve measures of mental health and flourishing.
Strategy Group 2: Implement and evolve initiatives to promote student belonging and connection to campus
Strategy Group Accountable Person: Vice Chancellor for Student Success
- Tactic 1: Increase support for underrepresented and underserved populations.
- Tactic 2: Continue to cultivate and expand student-centered spaces that foster broad connectivity, socialization, and creative interaction (e.g. “third spaces” such as coffee bars and meeting lounges).
- Tactic 3: Design spaces that encourage inquiry, innovation, and team-based problem solving.
- Tactic 4: Create more nutritionally informative, interactive, and convenient dining experiences.
- Tactic 5: Bolster and coordinate community events that the university runs or participates in (e.g. St. Pat’s, Equinox, Family Weekend, Homecoming, Celebration of Nations, Convocation, First-Year Celebration).
- Tactic 6: Modernize and expand living-learning communities around topics that engage students.
- Tactic 7: Create a catalog of classroom capabilities (e.g. reconfigurable furniture) and teaching equipment to be used in scheduling courses in the most appropriate locations.
- Tactic 8: Design library space to meet evolving student needs.
Strategy Group 3: Enhance students’ life skills and world readiness
Strategy Group Accountable Person: Vice Chancellor for Student Success
- Tactic 1: Broaden co-curricular experiences to improve career readiness across all majors.
- Tactic 2: Introduce a STEM-to-X advising initiative (where X = medicine and healthcare, the law, education, business and management) to encourage students to pursue professional career paths.
- Tactic 3: Infuse life skill development across services and programs, including integration of the Writing and Communication Center, Career Center, CEC’s Leadership and Innovation for Futures in Engineering (LIFE) program, Kummer Vanguard Scholars (KVS) colloquia and challenges, team-based design competitions, etc. into curricular and co-curricular experiences.
- Tactic 4: Regularly solicit the voice of students regarding their S&T experience using scheduled and pulse surveys.
Strategy Group 4: Improve undergraduate student outcomes, including first-year retention, four- and six-year graduation rates, time-to-degree, and career outcomes
Strategy Group Accountable Person: Associate Provost for Academic Operations, Accreditation and Assessment
- Tactic 1: Use student analytics to infer the effectiveness of interventions on first-year retention, adjusting interventions accordingly.
- Tactic 2: Investigate the feasibility of reducing time-to-degree through curricular analytics and curricular modularization.
- Tactic 3: Enhance post-graduation career success outcomes for all majors.
- Tactic 4: Facilitate transitions between majors by simplifying paperwork, approval processes, and course substitutions.
- Tactic 5: Support and evolve student success in underprepared student populations (e.g. first-generation students) through grants.
- Tactic 6: Clarify organizational structures for shared academic advising by combining centralized standards (including processes, training, and metrics) with distributed, department- and college-based expertise.
- Tactic 7: Expand pre-enrollment preparatory programs for incoming students.
- Tactic 8: Evaluate and enhance where appropriate tutoring and mentoring options, including one-on-one and faculty-led group tutoring.
Strategy Group 5: Improve graduate student outcomes
Strategy Group Accountable Person: Vice Provost of Graduate Education
- Tactic 1: Increase year-to-year graduate student retention.
- Tactic 2: Establish appropriate standards for graduate time-to-degree completion.
- Tactic 3: Enhance post-graduation career success outcomes.
- Tactic 4: Expand graduate student funding opportunities.
- Tactic 5: Stand up a campus-wide graduate student rights document.
Strategy Group 6: Improve online and distance student outcomes
Strategy Group Accountable Person: Vice Provost for Online Learning and Educational Innovation
- Tactic 1: Adopt and implement best practices in online and distance education for course design, student support, and scheduling.
- Tactic 2: Identify and make available campus support resources appropriate to online and distance students.
- Tactic 3: Adopt methods to increase online and distance students’ sense of belonging.
- Tactic 4: Adopt processes, training, and metrics to customize advising for online and distance students.
Goal Alignments
North Star Goal Alignment
Grow enrollment to 12,000 students; Achieve a top 100 ranking.
Missouri Compacts Primary Alignment
Student Success; Inclusive Excellence.
Strategic Team
Strategic Focus Area Leadership
Robin Gore—SFA Accountable Person
Vice Chancellor for Student Success
Jorge Porcel— Faculty Liaison
Associate Professor of Spanish
Faculty Senate, Student Affairs Committee Chair
Strategy Group Accountable Persons
Garry “Smitty” Grubbs II
Vice Provost of Graduate Education
Susan Murray
Interim Vice Provost for Online Learning and Educational Innovation
Steve Raper
Associate Provost for Academic Operations, Accreditation and Assessment